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February 19, 2021

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Can You Take a Shower with Stainless Steel Jewelry?

Can You Take a Shower with Stainless Steel Jewelry?

Possibility of wearing stainless steel in the ocean? Can you wear stainless steel in the chlorine? If you have these questions, you come to the right place. I will answer all these questions today! Here I also write an ultimate guide on What Jewelry Can You Wear in the Shower This post will teach you more about other metals or jewelry you can or cannot wear in the shower or the pool.

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Can you shower with stainless steel jewelry?

It’s a question that’s been asked for years, and the answer is… yes! In fact, stainless steel is one of the most popular materials for jewelry because it’s durable and won’t rust or tarnish. You can even wear your stainless steel earrings while you’re in the shower–they’ll resist moisture well enough to last through an entire bath time!

But how long does stainless steel last? Is it waterproof? And what about all those other questions you have about this material: Wearing it all the time? Can you take a shower with it? Can you swim with it? And what about that whole rust thing?

We’ve got answers for all of these questions and more!

Stainless steel is used around the world in jewelry making, and from the sheer popularity it has, you can tell that there’s tons of reason why people like them.

One of the things is that it is relatively cheap compared to other high-end metals in the market. The other reason why people like stainless steel is because it is tough; once you wear it, you can forget about it and go about your life.

In essence people, men mostly will gravitate toward stainless steel jewelry because you can do a lot when wearing them and you don’t have to worry about how it’s going to look in a couple of years. You can wear it for years, and it still looks as good as since you bought it.

Of course, depending on how you wore it, there might be a few scratches here and there, but when polished it looks as good as new.

So far, that only speaks of everyday use. What about when in the shower, pool, or the ocean? Here we’re going to explore if you can still wear your stainless steel jewelry under such circumstances and it is quite okay after. First, we’re going to answer the question of what happens to stainless steel when it comes into contact with water.

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Does stainless steel rust?

Before we get into if you can wear it in the shower, pool, or ocean, we have to look at whether stainless steel has the potential to rust. To answer that, stainless steel doesn’t tarnish. That is however when we’re talking about the excellent quality stainless steel. You, therefore, have to consider the grade of stainless steel you’re purchasing if you don’t want to worry about rust.

The stainless steel known and preferred the most is 304. It also goes by the names 18/8 and 18/10 respectively to represent that compositions 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel or 10 percent nickel. The other stainless steel is 316.

It has an additional 2 percent molybdenum, a metal that provides more resistance to localized corrosion and acids that contain chloride ions. With such properties, it is said that stainless steel does not rust.

The reason why it does not rust is because of the chromium. There has to be not less than 10 percent chromium if the stainless steel is not going to rust. That is because, by definition, chromium is stainless. There can be other metals such as iron, carbon, and manganese, but the stainless metal has to be there. How it works is that it prevents oxidizing and thus rusting.

One can say that it protects the alloy from reacting to elements in the environment, the properties in the air and water included. Should the chromium level get damages, then you can expect rusting and overall damage to the jewelry.

Can you wear stainless steel in the shower?

Now that we have covered the potential, or lack thereof, of stainless steel, rusting, it is safe to say that you can indeed shower with your stainless steel jewelry. As mentioned, you can get rough with stainless steel and not have to worry about it. You can also wash your hands if you have rings; it is not a cause of concern.

Same thing if you’re caught in the rain; your jewelry make of this metal should be the least of your worries.

However, you don’t want to expose your jewelry to chemicals unnecessarily.

If you’re using mild shower gel, then you’re alright, but you ought to consider removing your jewelry if you want it to last a lot longer.

However, since it’s a personal choice, ensure that you rinse off the shower gel thoroughly and dry the jewelry after the shower.

Can you wear stainless steel in the ocean?

The ocean is salty, and in general, it is not kind to any metal. If anything, you shouldn’t wear any jewelry in the sea. You don’t want to damage it as other substances include dissolved organic and inorganic materials. Sand also tends to be rough on jewelry when rubbed against it.

Can you wear stainless steel in the pool?

As mentioned, molybdenum provides resistance to localized corrosion and acids that contain chloride ions. You ought to then get stainless steel jewelry that has this metal.

However, in general, you don’t want to have your stainless steel jewelry because chlorine tends to react with jewelry.

You’re then better off taking it off before heading to the pool. Once in a while is fine, but don’t make it a habit. Only ensure that you’re rinsed off the chlorine water and have dried your jewelry well.

Can you wear stainless steel in the chlorine?

To take if further as to why you ought not to swim in the pool with your stainless steel jewelry, let’s look at what happens when it comes into contact with chlorine. What happens is that it breaks done the film on the surface of the stainless steel.

This film is referred to as the passive film; it forms through electro-polishing and exposure to certain types of solutions or compounds. What happens is that chlorine eats away at this passive film. In general, that is why you find that stainless steel products shouldn’t get washed with chlorine bleach.

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Wrap up

You can wear stainless steel jewelry daily and not have to worry about it getting tarnished. You do, however, take  care of it where you can.

You shouldn’t wear it in the pool or the ocean as there are higher chances of it oxidizing and reacting with other elements and ions in the water.

You also don’t want to lose your jewelry in case it comes off, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. In general, you can wear it around your daily life without worrying about what happens to it. It’s tough, it can handle everyday bumps and hits.

Can You Take a Shower With Stainless Steel Jewelry?

Yes! You can take a shower with stainless steel jewelry. In fact, it’s actually pretty easy–the water just won’t be as hot as it would be if you were wearing something made from another material.

Shower With Stainless Steel Chain?

Yes! You can take a shower with stainless steel chain too. Just don’t leave it in the shower for too long or you might get some rust on your hands and neck when you get out of the bathtub (which is pretty gross).

Is Stainless Steel Jewelry Waterproof?

Yes! Stainless steel is waterproof, so long as it’s made from high-quality materials that don’t contain any nickel or other elements that could rust when exposed to liquid.

Can You Wear Stainless Steel Jewelry All The Time?

Yes! There are lots of different kinds of stainless steel jewelry out there, so chances are good that there will be something available for every style preference and budget range–just look around on Amazon or eBay and see what works best for you!

Can You Take a Shower With Stainless Steel Earrings?

Yes! You can wear your stainless steel earrings while you take a shower or bath. You just have to be careful not to get them wet–you don’t want them to get rusty or tarnished. If they do get wet, just dry them off with a towel and they’ll be good as new again!

Shower With Stainless Steel Chain?

Yes! You can also take showers with stainless steel chains around your neck. Just make sure that they don’t get wet or rusted either!

Is Stainless Steel Jewelry Waterproof?

Stainless steel jewelry is technically waterproof–but only when it’s made from 18k gold or higher. If yours doesn’t say “18k gold,” then it isn’t really meant for showering in!

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